We are running at diminished capacity, so orders may take up to a week to ship.

Ink Samples Order Form

Looking for ink samples? You've come to the right place! We can sell you ink samples of most of the inks we carry in almost any volume! We typically charge the price per ml of the ink plus 15 cents. For instance, a 3ml sample of Lennon Tool Bar Twilight ($22 a bottle for 30ml of ink) would be 3ml * ($22 / 30ml) + 0.15 = $2.35.

Please specify a list of the inks you'd like to try and what volumes (typically 2ml - 5ml, but no smaller than 2ml). You can also include full bottles of inks or any other products in your email and we will send you a full invoice through our website. If you haven't purchased from us before, please also include the shipping destination country in your message.


Note: Turnaround time for ink sample orders is currently around 2 weeks. For orders larger than 30 ink samples, that time may be longer.