Find your pen-friendly paper: "Japanese notebooks are so pen friendly and there are so many types of great paper. How can I learn more about them? Where do I begin?" This product was born from such a conversation with a friend living abroad. "Paper tasting" is a collection of writing pads, expressly to let you try different kinds of papers and enjoy the pleasure of writing on them. Like wine tasting, you will be able to find your favorite pairing of pen and paper, or even pencil and paper. Each package comes with a short description of the included papers, along with a classification table that will show you how the papers fit into the broader landscape of Japanese paper categories. It is like having your very own paper sommelier!
Paper Tasting Yellow vol. 2 comes with three notepads of unique yellow papers for you to try. Each notepad comes with 25 sheets of paper.
B7 size: Kaguya (suitable for fountain pens)
Kaguya is a paper that reproduces the crater surface of the moon through 10 different colors. In Japanese, there are different names describing each phase of the moon. The 10 colors of Kaguya each represent a different phase as the moon waxes and wanes. Historically, Jyuusanya (the thirteenth night), has been celebrated as the most beautiful phase. Kaguya is commonly used in decorative boxes, packaging, and book covers.
A6 size: Paradise Yellow (suitable for fountain pens)
It is a paper with colorful dots. Unfortunately, its production was halted in early 2017, so it will not be available in the future.
B6: Raicho Color Jumpaku (mildly suitable for fountain pens)
This paper was commonly used to wrap fruits, such as apples and pears, for shipment. In recent years, such use has been replaced by foam nettings. Enjoy the unique writing surface, color, and texture of this pure white roll paper.